Cyber Security NZ

Protect yourself, your information & your organisation with Kinetics Group
Cyber Security Services 

Don't wait

Hackers are circling – and getting smarter all the time.  We’re ready to help you with a solution that meets your needs, and to get you locked down and safe quickly. We help you protect your Clients, Data, Private information, Identities, Financial information, Operational uptime and Reputation.

Book your free assesment with us now!

Choose a protection level:

Cyber Security Foundation

Including EDR, Security Awareness Education, Phishing Tests, MFA Management, DNS Filtering/Scrubbing, Shadow IT detection and more.


Cyber Security Plus

Foundation plus Vigilance 24/7 EDR and Active Monitoring, 365 Online Backup, Password Vault, Data Leak Protection, an extra layer of email scrubbing, Breach Activity Scans and Deep Vulnerability Scans.


Both Kinetics KARE cyber security plans include a pack of services that help keep your information in, and cyber breaches out! Your data is precious and should be treated as such. The main issue with protecting information is that you can’t lock it away because you need to use it to operate.

With both plans, not only does Kinetics provide protection software, but also education for your staff so they can actively work in the safest way possible and know how to identify potential risk to your organisation. Kinetics will also test them and present you the findings, so no one gets left behind on the security front. From blocking harmful websites, to scanning emails and deep scanning with antivirus, Kinetics has you covered when it comes to cyber security services in NZ.

If you are looking for the best level of protection, the Security Plus plan provides a much deeper level of cyber security, with endpoint protection and response which alerts users to the risks of a downloaded attachment, disconnects any infiltrated devices from the network you are using, assists with the prevention of internal attacks and help organisations align with insurance compliance for a full circle or protection. Plus is the technical support that you need, when you need it, not an app or extension that has been downloaded as a cheap solution to security that has no professional on the other end overseeing security or data privacy issues.

And potentially, most important of all;

Kinetics Security Plus plan provides managed password solutions, so your staff don’t make the all-too-common error of creating easy to guess passwords and never changing them. KARE Password Vault is customised to each business and means not even Kinetics can see into your passwords, or your employees.

Still not sure what plan is best for you? Contact Us here, we’d be happy to help give you the cyber security service you need!

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