
by | Aug 7, 2023 | News, Security

GROUP-IB” are a Singapore-based cyber-security provider.   They go deep into the cyber-crime sphere and it’s paid off.

After 30+ attacks, and over $US30M stolen, “OPERA1ER” have been caught!

They describe a bad actor who, from 2019, had used the same MO over and over, throughout Africa and South America, to steal millions through malware, spear-phishing and remote trojan attacks.  Fake tax notices and hiring offers were common lures. They picked up all the tools they need, free as open-source, on the dark web.  They’d work mainly after hours on weekends and public holidays when their victims were most vulnerable.

16shop’s ‘Phishing As A Service’ operators arrested.

A 21year old and two colleagues were running a phishing “service” . For US $60-120, they would set up a fake page for you and run a phishing campaign – and they did it over 150,000 times!   Attacks would mimic Amazon pages, American Express and the like, even tailored to the audience in different languages.  
And now, thanks to GROUP-IB and Interpol , that’s all going to stop.  You can read their report on Opera1er and their report on 16shop