Working from home is different. Managing staff working from home is also quite different.
Here are a few tools to assist:
1. Is everyone working ok?
Do we know where they are and what they need? How do we discharge our Duty of Care to our colleagues? Introducing the Free Microsoft COVID-19 Crisis Communication PowerApp.
Key features include:
- Employees can report their work status (e.g., working from home) and make requests. This helps managers coordinate across their teams and helps central response teams track status across an organisation.
- Admins can use the app to push news, updates, and content specific to their organisation, and can provide emergency contacts specific to different locations.
- The app includes the ability to add RSS feeds of up-to-date information from reputable sources such as WHO, CDC, or a local authority.
- Being a PowerApp it can run as a stand alone app, or can be added as a tab into Teams.
You can download it from the PowerApll store, but it requires some setup to install in organisations – we estimate allowing $600 for us to help you with it.
2. How do I work? (IT’s hard for me)
Personal IT Coaching
We’re offering all our Ready to Run Microsoft Office courses (including Teams) remotely (using Microsoft Teams. We have trainers available to help with 1:1 coaching.
3. Just give me something to share with my team.
Online resources
We are building a online resource of materials to help Kiwis get started, it focused local material. Initial content includes:
- 5 Minute video getting started with Teams
- 5 Minute video getting started working remotely, including where you don’t have your work device
- 5 Minute advanced working with Teams video
- Security eLearning
- Relevant user guides
$59/month unlimited access for your whole organisation – just call your account manager for access
4. Just sort it out for me!
You will need more help than some reference material – so we’ve created a Rapid Start Package
We are conscious that organisations will suddenly have other urgent needs in the business e.g. making files available for people working from home. Because things are moving so fast, the need is immediate. We have a rapid start package where you have an immediate business problem that requires expertise now. We are offering a bundle of 3 half day slots to understand the problem, consider rapid solutions and get action underway. Everyone of these engagements are highly flexible and are focused on solving urgent problems with the tools you already have.
The bundle includes:
- 1 hour approx video chat to gain initial understanding
- 3 half days remote (or on site as case may be) workshops to work on your business need in whatever form we can offer – technical or training
- 4 x hours remote support to coach and support between sessions
- Bundle price $3,535, additional hours available on request.
This bundle to designed to rapidly get you started on working on your business challenge, and excludes any hardware, software, subscription or Engineering support
[All prices quoted exclude GST]