Thank You

by | Aug 14, 2024 | News

As we navigate through these troubling and challenging times, the team at Kinetics and I wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and loyalty.


Times are tough and many businesses are struggling.

We’ve seen the environment described as  ‘heavy’.  We know IT is a signficant cost that is increasing at a time when we wish that it wasn’t.

We know that increased cyber-proection is costly and burdensome, but necessary.  We’ve just had a call with a peer business in Australia who noted that their government was mandating stronger cyber governance and compliance on businesses.   We are very proud of our KARE Foundation service that already meets these needs.

We also know that IT can help increase productivity and reduce risks.  Ultimately this is why most organisations invest in IT in the first place.  It is vital that we uncover opportunities for organisations to automate and accelerate processes, which is the role of our FlightPlan roadmap process, and that leads to stronger IT management.  Ultimately it leads to working with end-users to make certain that the benefits of the investments are realised at the desktop.


Thank you

Your trust in these services has been a cornerstone of our success, and we are deeply appreciative of your continued partnership. Despite the uncertainties and difficulties we all face, your commitment has been a source of strength and motivation for our entire team.

We understand that these times have not been easy, and we are committed to standing by you, providing the best possible service and support. Our team is working tirelessly to ensure that we meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Thank you once again for your loyalty and trust. Together, we will overcome these challenges and emerge stronger. We look forward to continuing our successful partnership and achieving great things together.

Warm regards,

Andrew Hunt, Managing Director, Kinetics Group