AI Builder in Action:
How One Business Saved a Day a Month
- Learn how one business uses AI tools to save one day of effort each month
- Use AI models to automate processing of documents, images, and emails
- Design AI prompts to supercharge your workflows
Key Topics:
Webinar Introduction: Rhys introduced the webinar, which focuses on using Microsoft AI and Power Automate tools to save time in real-world scenarios. The agenda includes introductions, a case study presentation by Ben, and a demonstration of AI tools.
Case Study Overview: Ben presented a case study of an industrial building services client who saved a day per month by automating their emissions reporting process using AI and Power Automate. The client faced challenges with manual data entry and dependency on a single staff member.
Emissions Reporting Challenges: Ben explained the client’s emissions reporting process, which involved tracking supplies, travel, and accommodation. The process took four days each month and was dependent on one staff member who was going on maternity leave.
AI and Power Automate Solution: Ben described how they used AI models and Power Automate to extract data from invoices, calculate distances using Google Maps, and automate the emissions reporting process. This reduced manual data entry and improved accuracy.
Proof of Concept and Implementation: Ben shared that they developed a proof of concept for the client, which was successful. The client was trained to maintain and improve the solution in-house, leading to further automation of other processes.
Results and Impact: Ben highlighted the significant time savings achieved by the client, reducing the emissions reporting process from four days to three. The client also improved consistency and accuracy in their reporting.
Demonstration of AI Tools: Ben provided a demonstration of AI tools in Power Automate, showing how to extract information from invoices and analyze images for potential risks. He emphasized the ease of use and potential for further automation.
Q&A and Next Steps: Rhys and Ben addressed questions from participants, discussing the use of existing software applications, accessibility tools, and the importance of identifying processes to streamline. They encouraged participants to reach out for guidance and training.