Collaborate more efficiently
Microsoft Garage is their ‘skunk works’ programme to encourage employees to do things they care about. Small teams run their own ideas and trial them – a bit of an ongoing Hackathon. Many of these ideas go on to become part of Microsoft 365 or Windows. One of these outcomes, that I use regularly, is SNIP for taking pictures of what is on your screen.
Microsoft Garage have just released something called ‘Journal’ – Journal – Microsoft Garage.
For the life of me, I can’t see why when they have Whiteboard and OneNote.
If you haven’t used it, Whiteboard lets you have several users share the same virtual whiteboard, and edit it, at once – you can set up several whiteboards and share them independently, and, most importantly, you can embed them in Teams meetings.

OneNote has been around for a while now, and also lets you share with colleagues – in this case you share an entire notebook with colleagues – including embedded text, images and so forth. You can grab screen shots and virtual printouts, load them in OneNote and mark them up.
Personally, I use OneNote extensively. We have a family notebook at home that we share – things like shopping lists and holiday plans are there. Then I have a personal notebook for my work life, an shared Notebooks with different work teams. Some of these are also embedded into Teams to make them easier to access.
Get OneNote for Windows 10 – Microsoft Store en-NZ
For more help using Digital Ink to keep notes, create diagrams, and share ideas, please call us and ask for our Kambium digital transformation team.
Refer : Microsoft Garage – Wikipedia