Haider and Ben are part of our 'Kambium' consulting division They specialise in helping organisations maximise their use of Microsoft 365 to achieve great efficiency. Ben & Haider can be contacted-:[email protected]@Kambium.co.nz Or click below to...
Kinetics News
Opinion: Does ChatGPT make you safer?
Skynet who? There’s no end of sci-fi movies about the end of the world being brought on by self-aware AI tools. You can relax for now. ChatGPT is no such monster, but it does have an impact on our cyber-resilience. We’re watching universities and other educators...
The scammers are closing in on us.
Hacks don’t just happen to other people. The hackers are targeting all of us, every day. Every day, we have to defend them successfully. They only have to be successful onceWe all read about stories in the newspaper and there might be a sense of smugness that we...
What do YOU need to know about Juice Jacking?
You might get more than you bargained for. That sense of relief when you see a public USB charging point might be misplaced. There are increasing numbers of public USB charging points around. From aircraft and buses to fast-food restaurants, cafes, shopping malls and...
Is your licensing legit? Don’t be scammed
Don't get fooled! One of the great advantages of subscription software is that the licensing is easier to verify. The days of people copying license codes are over. That makes this scam even more interesting, simply because the product they refer to is subscription...
Webinar Replay : Updating what is ‘reasonable’ to protect your organisation from cyber-crime.
Cyber-security gets harder, so we make it easier. Much as the heading may sound 'double-dutch', it isn't. Simply, the levels of protection that are 'reasonable' to protect your organisation have changed. We need to do more, and at Kinetics we know that...
Even chatGPT gets cyber-security!
When I asked chatGPT for a poem about cyber-security, here's what it said: (wish I could be as original!) In the land of Aotearoa, where the kauri trees grow tall, Cybersecurity is vital, we must protect our digital all. Patching our systems is the first line of...
Is Cyber-insurance worth it?
Every day we see stories in the newspaper about cyber-attacks. Years agio they seemed a bit remote, but lately they've been getting closer to home. Many businesses are responding by taking on cyber-insurance. But is it worth it? When you sign up, you are asked...
Is Ignorance Bliss?
Are there things you would rather not know? If those things were about you, and could impact you, would that change your answer?Sometimes a regular check-up can reveal information that you would rather not know – whether it’s getting your car serviced, and finding out...
Should we worry about DeepFake?
What can you believe? For years we've told you that you can't believe every email you read. But now we can't believe every photo or video you see. Deepfake is the term for when a picture, video or audio file is altered to put a different person into the content,...