Kinetics News

HAFNIUM Microsoft Email Attack

HAFNIUM Microsoft Email Attack

Over the last few days, you may have read about a zero-day attack impacting Microsoft Exchange Servers. We became aware of this vulnerability on Wednesday last week (it was discovered on the 2nd in the USA so we were on to it immediately, allowing for time-zones) . ...

What is “Dark Mode”? Why should you consider it?

What is “Dark Mode”? Why should you consider it?

With all our warnings about cyber-hackers, you’d be forgiven for thinking this was another hazard. But no! Dark Mode is a good thing! You can activate it on Windows 10 by going to Settings – Personalization – Colors and picking Dark. Most phones also offer the same...

What does IT mean to you?

What does IT mean to you?

Who do you call when you need to : update your IT usage or data privacy policies manage your internal IT staff? select new business software, e.g. CRM or financial software? accelerate a process or break a business processing log-jam? Traditionally businesses think of...

5 simple steps to stay cloud-cyber-secure

5 simple steps to stay cloud-cyber-secure

We’ve posted repeatedly about cyber-security and the need to be more vigilant and more careful, and we’ve shared real-world stories to reinforce the concern. It’s a concern then that we still see a number of organisations that remain reluctant to increase their...

What are we about?

What are we about?

"Who" is sometimes just as important as "what"? As a client, you know what we do.  But we thought you might want to know more about "who we are".  By that we mean, "what are we about". When you boil it down, the Kinetics mission is to help our communities.  That is...

Not that Flash

Not that Flash

Adobe Flash is no longer For so long, Flash has been a mainstream of internet web pages, giving us animated graphic experiences in place of what used to be mundane screens. It's about 25 years old, and back then, was quite a revelation. Initially you might recall the...

What are your 2021 New Years (IT) Resolutions?

What are your 2021 New Years (IT) Resolutions?

It's a new year and who knows what it will bring? COVID vaccines or not, 2021 is bound to have surprises. One prediction we can make with absolute confidence is that we need to be more careful than ever about protecting our data from ever-increasing computer security...

The Worst Hack in US History

The Worst Hack in US History

In the last week, we’ve seen two major successful attacks on critical US IT management and Cyber security tools. The first we learned about was on FireEye which is one of the leading and most trusted cyber security tools, used by much of the Fortune 500. ...

Look out for more ransomware in 2021

2020 saw a crazy amount of ransomware attacks.  We've warned repeatedly of the increasing sophistication and organisation of these bad actors.  Names like RangarLocker and Dharma are cyber-businesses or do it yourself cyber-crime kitsets designed to cause havoc for...