There have been extraordinary lessons from an extraordinary time. The resilience we’ve seen is inspirational and the determination, especially by those hardest hit, has been stunning. We’ve seen organisations and their people adapt quickly and selflessly to change,...
Kinetics News
Need to manage and minimise your Microsoft 365 costs?
In these uncertain times, everyone is reviewing their costs. Kinetics is very pleased to say that we are now able to help you quickly review your Microsoft 365 licensing. As Microsoft has improved the availability and quality of information Kinetics can access, we...
No one is completely immune!
Hackers can strike anyone. If well-resourced organisations like Honda, Lion NZ and Fisher & Paykel Appliances can fall victim to hackers, then anyone can. I don’t have specific knowledge of what happened at these organisations, but it’s a safe bet they are well...
Maximum Power in Windows (aka extending battery life)
Many of us now rely on laptops and we are used to finding the battery runs out of charge all to quickly. Windows pops up a warning saying the battery is running low, and the pressure goes on you to finish up your work before the battery expires. Inevitably when this...
Stay COVID safe (or what COVID taught us about IT security)
Coronavirus isn’t the only virus causing harm. Hackers have been busy trying to trick us into clicking on their fake websites and getting infected with Malware. They’ve had fake donation sites, particularly a fake World Health Organisation fund, fake COVID-19 maps...
New in Microsoft TEAMS
Imagine trying to survive lockdown without tools like Teams? Necessity has made us all experts in video-calling, and it’s left us wanting more! During lockdown, we got the ability to change the video call background so other participants couldn’t see where you were...
How does the post-COVID19 lockdown impact your IT planning?
Every business webinar is talking about the rush to get businesses back up to speed quickly, and test new business models to be more resilient over the coming weeks and months. In the same breath, they tell us things will never be the same again - whether its the risk...
What can you expect to see as Office 365 becomes Microsoft 365?
Whenever Microsoft say they are changing something to make it less confusing, most of us get a little cynical. The reality is that there are so many Microsoft tools we use every day, that it can be confusing, From Windows to Office to Teams to Dynamics and Azure,...
What’s in the latest version of Windows 10 – 2004 (aka 2020h1)
Coming – ready or not – while we cope with the challenges of the pandemic and changes to how we work, we also get changes to Windows. Is there anything to be excited about? Firstly, be aware this is effectively a new load of Windows – its much more than a service...
FREE Covid-19 Health Contact App
Are you ready for the move back to COVID-19 Level 3? Are you ready to track visits of your staff to other workplaces, or visitors to your workplace? It's not just tracking visits. You have an obligation to check you are not exposing your staff to COVID-19 either in...