Kinetics News

RIP Windows 7, SQL 2008 and friends

RIP Windows 7, SQL 2008 and friends

It's time to say goodbye to Windows 7 The end of the (support) road is approaching rapidly.  They are over ten years old which is ancient in IT terms. If you think about tech around your home or in your daily life, then its quite understandable that these products...

The alarming business models of cyber-criminals

The alarming business models of cyber-criminals

Cyber-crime has become big business It's organised, and the purveyors are shameless in their determination to steal from all of us. Heaven only knows where they get their names from.  One group we recently became aware of is called 'PINCHY SPIDER', and they are doing...

Featured Courses

Featured Courses

There's always something new going on- new people, new software, updates and above all, new work to do! We've got a great range of courses, ready-to-run at your place! Or we can craft something just for you. Here's a few we wanted to highlight: 1. Digital Skills –...

The first 2019 update of Windows 10 is here – what can you expect?

The first 2019 update of Windows 10 is here – what can you expect?

Firstly, we were expecting it in March but its only landing now. That’s going to be the knock-on from the delays with the problems Microsoft had late last year. That means ”1903” is also referred to as “19H1”. What does it mean for the average user? As far as we can...

Anyone can be hacked! And anyone can be the cause.

Anyone can be hacked! And anyone can be the cause.

Guess who got hacked? In recent articles, we’ve warned that people are the weakest link in your IT security. We’ve also warned that any business is a target. No one is immune. Tech companies like us are especially cautious because, in order to do our job, we have...

Updated Privacy Laws coming to NZ

Updated Privacy Laws coming to NZ

Overshadowed by overseas privacy law changes like GDPR, our own NZ Privacy legislation has flown a little under the radar. But rest assured, changes are coming here as well. The last change in NZ Law was 1993, and it was world-leading at the time. Then in 2011, the...

Te Whangai – Growing People by Growing Plants

Te Whangai – Growing People by Growing Plants

We are incredibly proud to have helped  The Te Whangai Trust.  They are an amazing organisation. There’s a whole group of society that miss out on the opportunities many of us take for-granted.   While many under-privileged members of our community can access various...

Using the Cloud to compete globally from New Zealand

Using the Cloud to compete globally from New Zealand

As a small kiwi business working in a global context, The Conference Company (TCC) faced some unique challenges. They compete around the world to host some of the most pre-eminent events against impressive competition from much larger operations. TCC has to present...

Can you keep me safe?

Can you keep me safe?

We’ve shared a few security stories lately, and we know its hair raising stuff. The reality is that any organisation is a target for these hackers. It’s no longer about cyber-vandalism, these attacks are outright theft. The thieves are operating from highly organised...