[header2 text="What is news?" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] There's nothing worse than accidentally clicking on a daft click-bait link that re-directs you to a dodgy, untrustworthy website. They are all too common, with news you can't trust, and...
Kinetics News
What are @Mentions in Office?
How many times,. when you are working on documents with someone else, do you want to ask them a question? "Why did you add (or remove) this section?", "How does this calculation work?" and so on. So, you stop what you are doing, send them an email or make a phone...
Tech like it’s 1999
This week, we've seen some pretty interesting tech announcements - I confess the foldable phones really interest me. While these are crazily expensive now, volume will bring the price down. But what's really interesting is imagining this tech in other applications...
Three Cyber-Insurance questions you need to consider
ith all necessary attention on cyber-security and fraud, we've had a couple of people asking us about insurance solutions. This makes sense, insurance is all about mitigating risk. Of course, insurance doesn't give you a license to be careless - you still need to...
Code Red? Hacker alert
One of our clients recently found themselves dealing with one of the most brazen hack attempts I've heard to date. They'd heard from one of their customers that they (the customer) had taken a phone call purporting to be from our client, to say they'd changed...
Three every day timesaving tips
Here's three quick time-saving tips - how many did you already know? [wow_colorme]1. Reading (or writing) long - how much time do you spend scrolling up and down long emails or documents as you make sure the content fits together?[/wow_colorme] Introducing...
What’s with Windows updates now?
Is MY Windows 10 still the latest and most stable question? It's not a question we can easily answer. Windows 10 has two different update cycles - security/reliability updates (aka patches) and feature updates. Security updates are incredibly important. They are the...
Is it ok for the (Australian) government to read your data?
Late last year, the Australian Government introduced the Assistance and Access Act. This new legislation makes it mandatory for any organisation whose website or data is hosted in Australia to give Australian authorities access to their IT system if requested....
Don’t be fooled! FAKE problems.
Wow, some of the phishing hacks are getting smart! While we haven't seen this particular one ourselves yet, it's certainly good enough to fool most people! (so beware!) The clue is that it's emailed to you - a message like this wouldn't come as an email, and...
3 tips to get 15 more minutes in your day
There is NEVER enough time in the day. Deadlines loom, interruptions are constant and your to-do list seems to grow, not shrink. Such are the joys of most workplaces in 2018/2019. So here are three simple (free) things you can do to win back 15 minutes each day. ...