Kinetics News

4 Reasons IT training SUCKS!

4 Reasons IT training SUCKS!

  [header2 text="1.    Theory with no relevance" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] No matter how amazing a training course is, how effective the trainer is and how much was learnt on the day, if the learning isn't applied back at your desk, you quickly...

KRACK Wireless Access Vulnerability

KRACK Wireless Access Vulnerability

[header2 text="KRACK - Wireless Access Vulnerability" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] It’s been all over the news that the dastardly hackers have struck again, this time hitting your favourite wireless.  According to some reports, the world will end...

Another Scammer example

Another Scammer example

[header2 text="Not the worst we've seen, but equally effective" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""]   The scammers never stop.  This latest attempt is extremely poorly written.  But when you follow the link it's a passable representation of the Office 365...

Giving clients better response times

Giving clients better response times

[header2 text="Speeding up our service" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] To speed up our service, we’ve introduced a new ‘ticket’ (job) logging system. This is in additional option to ringing us or emailing our ‘support’ email team.  Each of these systems...

New cool stuff in your Office 365

New cool stuff in your Office 365

[header2 text="New stuff, all the time" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] Microsoft are continually updating Office 365 with awesome new tools and more efficient ways of working.  Keeping up with these and learning how to use them is a big challenge, which is...

Macs are the latest victims of ransomware

Macs are the latest victims of ransomware

According to Veeam the number of ransomware attacks has jumped 6000% since 2015-16.  There is an interesting correlation between the increase in ransom attacks and the increase in value of bitcoins! Bitcoin value in NZ dollars.  Source Google Finance   Now we...

No excuses for ugly PowerPoint slides

Add a design eye to give some pizzazz to your PowerPoint Not everyone has an eye for design – particularly when it comes to PowerPoint. Now you can get PowerPoint to design your slides for you. 1.  Add the text and content you wish to display on your slide.  The...

Sensing your office Vibe

Sensing your office Vibe

As Kinetics had grown, our ability to understand what everyone in the team is feeling or thinking has diminished.  The distance that growth brings between staff and managers creates doubts and misunderstandings that can be hard to see.  More and more we have...



Most people will be familiar with the concept of linking something to your Facebook login. Many sites offer you the opportunity to login using your Facebook account. Scammers use this concept to farm credentials for other sites.   One we have started seeing more...

Microsoft 2017 Country Partner of the year!

Microsoft 2017 Country Partner of the year!

[header2 text="THE SECRET TO OUR SUCCESS... IS OUR CLIENTS" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] On top of our recent Cloud Productivity award, Microsoft have just announced Kinetics as their overall New Zealand 2017 Partner of the Year.  We love doing what we...