Kinetics News

Office365 Updates

Office365 Updates

There's nothing like seeing the computer display hall at MOTAT to be reminded of how much things change and how quickly.  One of the sayings I heard late last year was that never in history has business has never changed faster than  now, and yet it will never change...

Cloud could be a waste of time…

Cloud could be a waste of time…

[header2 text="Unless cloud changes how you operate, you are missing the point" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] Is the Cloud helping you drive your bottom line - Are you doing the same stuff the same way or using the cloud to do new things better? The cloud...



[header2 text="CryptoStopper!?" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] That’s right, a CryptoLocker Stopper. [header2 text="Is there really such a thing?" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] It appears so, at least for some forms of the beast. This amazing...

Change is in the air!

Change is in the air!

Change is in the air. It's unmissable, it's everywhere. This year's Microsoft Conference in Toronto just served to highlight that theme more than ever. It was larger, with more attendees and more noise. But behind the numbers, there is a significant shift in the way...

Update : Spearphishing is now much more aggressive

Update : Spearphishing is now much more aggressive

By now, most of our followers will know what spearphishing is - we've posted before about it [header2 text="Spearphishing just stepped up a notch and no one is immune." align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] Most of our client's have now experienced an attack, but...

Beating Cryptolocker – A Comprehensive Guide

Beating Cryptolocker – A Comprehensive Guide

CryptoLocker is online extortion. It encrypts your files and then demands a fee to unencrypt them.  Paying the fee is no guarantee your files will get unlocked or that they will not get encrypted again.  Like traditional extortion, paying the fee only encourages the...

AI is here… and on your phone

AI is here… and on your phone

The coffee machine is a great place to debate the world’s issues.   Of course in a tech business,  our discussions tend to dodge sports, politics and philosophy in favour of what’s on our various phones!  One of the team was trying to figure out how, when he googled a...

Microsoft’s Learning Partner of the Year!

Microsoft’s Learning Partner of the Year!

[header2 text="Microsoft recognises Kinetics and its partners at annual awards" align="left" color="#336A40" margintop=""] Kinetics was among a group of associated companies to win awards at Microsoft New Zealand’s annual awards on 7 April 2016. Winning Learning...

What users hate about IT at work (and how to fix it)

What users hate about IT at work (and how to fix it)

Most office workers spend over 5 hours a day at their computer, and even more working through mobile devices.  When your work day revolves so much around your computer experience, it's obvious that it's key factor in workplace satisfaction and in daily productivity.  ...

The $30 Virtual Reality Experience – Google Cardboard

The $30 Virtual Reality Experience – Google Cardboard

Virtual Reality's been grabbing some attention lately.  Hololens, Oculus Rift etc are all exciting new technologies to give us this 'virtual reality' world.  But they're all still 'coming' and they look expensive.  Luckily we don't have to wait, and we don't have to...