There's a lot of interest in cyber security this week - from client business cellphones going missing, 'crypto-locker' scares on office PCs and over the last few days - enquiries stemming from new business insurance cyber-security products. We noticed an article...
Kinetics News
Sponsoring Malaghan Institute
Kinetics Group is proud to be a Lab Partner for the Malaghan Institute. The Malaghan Institute is New Zealand’s leading medical research institute focused on finding cures for cancer, asthma and allergy, multiple sclerosis and infectious disease. Based at Victoria...
Windows 10 – Coming Soon!
Windows 10 is coming soon - barely a month to go, (July 29) and we've been testing the early builds extensively. [header2 text="Firstly, is it really free?" align="left" color="#00cfef" margintop=""] The answer is that if you have a current license of Windows 7, 8 or...
Dangerous Load (in eMail)
There's an epidemic of emails floating around right now, and even the best anti-Virus and anti-Spam are letting them through. The most common one today simply says 'Invoices' and it contains a ZIP file that it encourages you to open. [header2 text="Don't pass go -...
Offline Maps on your Phone
News today is that Offline maps are coming to Google Maps - the ability to download a map of an area before you head away - particularly useful if you are travelling somewhere where there is poor mobile coverage or expensive roaming rates. Of course, if you have an...
Introducing Office Remote
Some of the best cool tools sneak out under the radar, and Microsoft Office Remote is one. It's fantastic! It lets you run presentations remotely from your phone. Yes, we know there have always been tools like this around, but Office Remote is better - it fits...
Ciao Lync, Hi Skype For Business
As we mentioned a few weeks ago, Lync is becoming Skype for Business. That's all happening this week! April 14th is the big day - we expect that's a USA date so in practical terms it's this Wednesday. Office 365 users should see the change roll out automatically,...
Easter Eggs aren’t always chocolate
Computer folk love to hide secret 'features' in their code. Normally we reckon these are bugs. But sometimes they are just fun. They are just hidden gems that add a bit of fun, and they're called Easter Eggs. There is a fine tradition of these in popular games,...
A new look for Kinetics
[header2 text="We've listened!" align="center" color="#3ec940" margintop=""] Our client's have told us they love what we do, but our brand is tired. So we're changing it. We've refreshed our logo, and our website - and over the next few weeks we'll work through all...
Introducing Skype for Business
Lync's becoming Skype for Business. It combines the friendliness and familiarity of Skype with the functionality of Lync. It''ll mean that Skype, and Skype for Business will work seamlessly together (although obviously the business version has more capabilities,...