Easier File Sharing
Work any time, any place
Easier file management
- Save your documents to the cloud.
- Control whom you share files with.
- Email links instead of large files.
- Keep everything securely backed up.
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Because Office 365 stores your files in the cloud, you can always access them, even without your PC! And, if you use Office Web Apps, you can also access, read, edit and update documents, even if you’re using a PC or laptop that doesn’t run MS Office.
Sharing documents effectively is critical in business
As a business grows, control and storage of documents becomes vital. Keeping documents and spreadsheets on your hard drive and emailing them to colleagues and clients works well in small quantities, but as your business grows, it becomes harder to know if you are working on the right version or not.
Easier than email, safer than your PC
When you email files, a copy goes to your sent items, as well as the inbox of the recipient. As files are modified and shared around, it becomes difficult to know if you have the latest version, or if everyone’s contributions are included. If people work on different copies of the file, it’s time consuming to bring documents back together. The final challenge is that multiple copies use extra space on your PCs and laptops, clogging your email inbox and outbox.
The solution is to share the same file copy. With everyone working on the same file (even at the same time), it becomes easier to know you have the right document. Add in version tracking, and the ability to share files with your clients, and suddenly all your document version headaches vanish.
Safeguard your data
Microsoft Office 365 is designed to deliver reliability, availability and performance with a guaranteed 99.9% uptime, financially backed service level agreement (SLA). Continous back ups preserve your files, safeguarding your hard work. Office 365 helps keep your critical data with geo-redundant, enterprise-grade reliability and disaster recovery with multiple datacenters, automatic failovers and a strict privacy policy.
The most current antivirus and anti-spam solutions help protect your data 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
How can I share files with my team or colleagues?
It’s easy to share files using your Business Accelerator 365 SharePoint Team Site. You can upload a file to your Team Site, or read or change a file that someone else has uploaded.
Can I store confidential and sensitive files? What if I don’t want to share files?
You don’t have to share all of your files, in fact, you’ll no doubt need to make sure sensitive documents and files are stored securely. Your SharePoint Team Site works well for sharing documents, but it’s also great for locking down permissions to view or edit a document. You can easily set up document libraries or folders that only you, or key members of your team, can see.
How secure is it?
Office 365 provides secure access across platforms and devices, as well as premium anti-spam and antivirus technologies that are automatically updated to protect against the latest threats. The security features and services associated with Office 365 are built in, reducing the time and cost associated with securing your IT systems. At the same time, Office 365 enables you to easily control permissions, policies, and features through online administration and management consoles so you can configure Office 365 to meet your specific security needs.
How fast is it to access my files?
Office 365 works as fast as your internet connection allows. If you have a reliable internet provider, you’ll be able to access your files quickly from your Team Site in SharePoint.
What happens when I need more space?
You can purchase more SharePoint storage space, or upgrade your Office 365 plan to gain more storage space for your files.
Can I migrate my old files (bring my old docs and files across to the new cloud platform)?
Yes. You can upload older files to your SharePoint Team Site, so they can be easily accessed by you and your team. There are some rules around file names that we can help you with, if you choose data migration, as a part of your Business Accelerator 365 plan.