Hacks don’t just happen to other people. The hackers are targeting all of us, every day.
Every day, we have to defend them successfully. They only have to be successful once
We all read about stories in the newspaper and there might be a sense of smugness that we haven’t encountered it yet.
However, I think these scams are all around us, and they are as likely to be over the phone as they might be through our computer,.
Every day, they are out to get you.
One of clients recently shared the story of hackers impersonating the BSA. No business is too small or too anonymous to escape their attention.
That includes us, Kinetics. Just today, we’ve had a huge number of inbound calls from people pretending to be at legitimate organisations, asking to be put through to our staff, then asking for their email address and hanging up. I can’t imagine how this scam works out, but their caller-id was a giveaway, thankfully.
Scammer Impersonating Visa?
Just an hour ago, someone pretending to be Visa rang me, telling me that my card had been used in some unusual transactions overseas. It seemed very professional with an automated message and being put through and being put through to a call agent – but the normal message ‘the call will be monitored for quality control’ etc was absent, and then the agent started to describe some strange transactions. I can only guess what they might have asked for but when I asked them to identify the card being used, it was for a bank I don’t use so the scam ended before it got underway,
This isn’t theory.
It’s not happening to somepne else, it’s happening to us.
It’s not happening in the future, it’s happening now.