Is IT Critical To Your Law Firm?
From managing matters to productivity, from Deeds and archines to Precedents and Documents, Collaboration and Filing…
Law Firms RELY on IT.
Here are the key questions every FIRM should be able to answer about their IT – Whether you are the Managing Partner or the Practice Manager

1. Are you meeting your obligations to your firm’s stakeholders?
2. Are the appropriate IT Governance controls in place to protect your business value?
3. IT is more than silicon – have you ever stress tested the human side of your I.T?
4. Are you maximising your firm’s technology investment?
5. Who really controls your firm’s IT systems and your data?
6. Do you have an appropriate Data Privacy Policy?
7. Does your firm have the right relationship with your IT provider?
8. Is your IT strategy meeting the business needs of your partnership?
9. Is the partnership doing enough to get the cyber-security cost/risk balance right?
10. Are your staff your firm’s biggest security risk?
A Kinetics FlightPlan is the structured process to easily help you find the answers to these questions, and more.
For more information, contact us today.
A Kinetics FlightPlan is the structured process to easily help you find the answers to these questions, and more.
For more information, contact us today.

If you aren’t sure who in your organiusatin is best to answer these questions, it is probably time you tried a contract part-time IT Manager, to help you manage ALL your valuable IT. Check out ourstructured, programmatic “IT Manager as a Service” approach to help you.