3 Easy Tips for Excel

3 Easy Tips for Excel

Here are 3 essential tips for Excel users starting from beginner users through to advanced users. For Beginners: Excel Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar is in the top right of every Office app. Ensure the commands you use most frequently or those that are...
Avoid the IT Travel Woes

Avoid the IT Travel Woes

Free Webinar Replay : Avoid the IT Travel Woes Business travel is fraught enough.  It’s a nightmare to balance tight connections, and tough time zones with work colleagues that are accustomed to being able to link you into Teams meetings and urgent chats. How...
Copilot Update – How the AI is getting more useful

Copilot Update – How the AI is getting more useful

Copilot keeps getting better and better. We’re going to keep you updated on developments as we become aware of them. Firstly, make sure you have the Copilot app on your phone. You can download it here. It will create imagery, write content and even work with photos...