by Andrew Hunt | Apr 28, 2023 | News, Security, Webinar Recording
Cyber-security gets harder, so we make it easier. Much as the heading may sound ‘double-dutch’, it isn’t. Simply, the levels of protection that are ‘reasonable’ to protect your organisation have changed. We need to do more, and at...
by Andrew Hunt | Apr 22, 2023 | News, Security
When I asked chatGPT for a poem about cyber-security, here’s what it said: (wish I could be as original!) In the land of Aotearoa, where the kauri trees grow tall, Cybersecurity is vital, we must protect our digital all. Patching our systems is the first line of...
by Andrew Hunt | Apr 14, 2023 | News, Security
Every day we see stories in the newspaper about cyber-attacks. Years agio they seemed a bit remote, but lately they’ve been getting closer to home. Many businesses are responding by taking on cyber-insurance. But is it worth it? When you sign up, you are...
by Andrew Hunt | Apr 14, 2023 | News, Security
Are there things you would rather not know? If those things were about you, and could impact you, would that change your answer?Sometimes a regular check-up can reveal information that you would rather not know – whether it’s getting your car serviced, and finding out...
by Andrew Hunt | Apr 11, 2023 | News, Security
What can you believe? For years we’ve told you that you can’t believe every email you read. But now we can’t believe every photo or video you see. Deepfake is the term for when a picture, video or audio file is altered to put a different person into...
by Andrew Hunt | Mar 27, 2023 | News, Security
Cyber-security gets harder, so we make it easier. Much as the heading may sound ‘double-dutch’, it isn’t. Simply, the levels of protection that are ‘reasonable’ to protect your organisation have changed. We need to do more, and at...
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