Cyber-attacks on emails get faster and faster

Cyber-attacks on emails get faster and faster

A lot can happen between your morning coffee and your lunch. That’s all it takes to go from ‘normal’ to ‘disaster’ when the hackers strike. Microsoft researchers recently worked backwards through a ‘BEC’ attack (business email compromise – IT people love to convert...
When KARE isn’t enough

When KARE isn’t enough

The world has changed… Since we designed our original ‘base’ KARE plans, the world has gone more mobile, more in the cloud and ‘work-from-anywhere’ is ubiquitous. And the cyber-threat environment has become much more adverse. Our KARE plans need to reflect 2023!...
How cybersafe are you at home?

How cybersafe are you at home?

The NSA have released a ‘Cybersecurity Information Sheet’ for home networks.   We know that home networks can range from simple to complex. You might have smart TVs, smart home lighting, Google Home, Alexa, alarms, cameras – the list goes on. These devices can be less...
Warning : Business Email Compromises skyrocket

Warning : Business Email Compromises skyrocket

The stats are in, and they are alarming! Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks are up 81% in 2022! Small Medium Businesses often say to us that they don’t need to worry about cyber because they’re not worth it for an attacker. Unfortunately, that’s incorrect....
Is automated Microsoft patching enough?  

Is automated Microsoft patching enough?  

Microsoft have been releasing patches for 30 years. It’s easy to become blasé about them. Yes, Microsoft can automatically apply updates to Windows and Office.  But that does not mean that you can rely on it. Any system is only as good as how well it is monitored....