Helping you with Cyber Insurance Audit Forms

Helping you with Cyber Insurance Audit Forms

Cyber Security Audits are increasingly common. One cause is that we’re seeing more boards ask about cyber security posture, and frankly every board needs to be asking about that. The other major prompt we see is when our clients are applying for cyber security...
Don’t be in the 67,500

Don’t be in the 67,500

It might be our nearest neighbour, rather than us, but its still a good indicator of the trends that we’re also seeing in New Zealand. We have to remember that much cyber-crime is still not reported.  Whether it’s out of embarrassment or commercial...
Have you heard about “typosquatting”?

Have you heard about “typosquatting”?

“Typosquatting” is the name given to criminals pretending to be someone they aren’t – taking a domain name that uses a clever combination of legitimate-looking original sender email addresses, with spoofed display sender addresses that contain...